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| Monday, February 20, 2006 It is about an hour and a half before I get off work. Since my manager is not here today, dare I sneak off on time ? Or do I hang round doing nothing for another 2 hours ? I am quite proud of myself today as I absolutely finished off a whole tonne of work. Well, whatever I had to do anyway. So there were 2 daily things, 2 special projects as well as 3 ongoing reports. All finished within my capacity. Or should I go apply for the gym ? Or even go to MIM to look up that CFA course ? So many choices really. But not one that is actually urgent. I guess gym can wait till next week. MIM, should be done this week, maybe Thursday I guess. So I think if I can make it off early tonight, I will. You know what ? You have to be really thick-skinned to go off from work on time. And I think I shall use the NPE too to avoid the traffic. I can afford it today. After all, I did not have to pay for lunch today ! Yep, another one of my heads bought lunch today. Just one of the benefits of being new. But I am not THAT new. Since I started, another 4 people have arrived. But all of them are at least 5 years older than me and came from other jobs. So somehow it still leaves me as the most inexperienced and with the most to learn as well. Ug. Sometimes work can seem so fun and interesting that you feel like singing in the corridor and every new task seems interesting. And sometimes it can be such a bore that you just stare at the computer screen and wish that the e-mail box will flash and tell you that you have got mail. Anything to distract you. Why is that so ? I have absolutely no idea. Just gotta learn to live with it. IH O-Week 2006 has started and for the first time in 3 years, I am not there. Ug. But of course I cannot expect to be there forever. But I do wonder how it went ? I am very glad that I had the chance to help run O-Week in 2004 and that I peeked in 2005. But with the start of O-Week also means the start of university. How does it feel to be a fourth year student at university I wonder ? Sometimes, I feel that I should have taken up a double degree just like the rest of the guys of my IH year, namely SoBear, FredBear, KanBear, KenBear, AndBear and even LucBear. Even WoobyBear took a 4 year engineering course. Why is it that my course only lasts 3 years ? Grrr. I think I would have taken Com/Arts or even Com/Law. And instead, I started work less than a month after arriving back here. Sometimes I think NickyBear was right and that I should have taken a 3 month break at least. But then again, I had no money left to spend. Oh well. Gross. Friday is D-Day. When everyone who should be in Melbourne would BE in Melbourne. Maybe then I could study. But this is one topic that has taken so much discussing so much it is now disgusting. Haha. Lame Joke. It is Visit HK Year 2006. I want to go. But I probably will be unable to take leave until December. And even then, I would be saving them to study for my CFA exam on December 2. So might not have much leave left ? Arghh….. However, if I am unable to take Level 2 in June 2007 (assuming I pass Level 1) I would have a year off studying. That is not good. My brain will rust. So whoever who is still doing some Finance subjects in uni should ask me questions so that my brain feels exercised. Hehe. I think I will be sent to Singapore around August and September for about a month for training. But noone I know will be there anyway. Interesting thing I found out. Well remember when I represented my state for public speaking ? One of the other competitors, the girl from Sabah is now a singer who is gonna perform in the Opera performance recently shown in the papers. Imagine. She became an artiste. Now if only I could too. Fat chance though. I found out that I sound bad on recording because I slur my words when I sing. Sorta like Jay Chou but 1000 times worse. Have to work on my diction. Weird that it does not happen when I am talking. ONLY 40 MINUTES TO GO !! OK. I made it home. Took an hour but that was considered good already. At home, and I missed the thunderstorm. I guess everything is alright..or is it ? |