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| Sunday, February 12, 2006 Five Cs they told you to get. 1. Car 2. Cash 3. Career 4. Credit Card 5. Condominium Five Cs I got 1. Christ 2. Chums 3. Chocolate 4. Childishness 5. Cuddly Soft Toys I think I am ahead. Meanwhile I had the sweetest dream yesterday night. Apparently I was smiling when I woke up. I hope I have many more nights like that. Looked up lots on further studies and I might just be doing it soon. It is something to keep my mind off other sadder things. And it is also a chance for self improvement. Meanwhile, I have worked for one month already, how time flies. Hopefully, a year will go by quickly too. Basically I just think I need a project to work on. Right now, without anything specific to do in my free time, I feel very useless and restless. So I shall work on myself. I think it is still weird how I think things are more expensive here simply because it is in Ringgit. Hence, I think I spent more in Aus dollars. But then again, maybe it is because I only spend what I earn right now. In fact, even less, cause I have to budget for things like toll, tax, parking, consumables...there is not much left for luxuries.....none actually....*sob sob sob...it is like making Paris Hilton live THE SIMPLE LIFE....except..it is me. Now I understand how she feels. You go sister !!! If only I were a millionaire too......... :( or at least be married to one. It is quite hard to part with money nowadays. At least, it is hard to part with money for myself. I find myself still buying people birthday presents. Hmph. |