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| Friday, February 03, 2006 Rat : This year will see more income from a new source. There will be slight stresses in your social life but you can use your charm to win anyone's heart. Do not break under pressure. Use your intuition and experience to get you through any troubles. That was one of the many horoscopes for the Rat for the new year. I looked at it and...hmph. Income from new source because I have to work. Stress in social life because have to work. Am pressurised because of work. Have to use intuition and experience to get through trouble at work. LOL. What....I could have told you that. Maybe I have. I got my contacts yesterday ! Whee ! .. I took 10 minutes to learn to put them on and I put them on in 5 minutes today. The doctor commented that I learnt very fast but I did not tell him that it was because I had wanted contact lenses for like 10 years ~!!~ Now I finally have them and am very happy. Although the world seems to have lost some of its colour. Everything is not as bright but it could just be my imagination. Anyway I ~love~ wearing contacts. Work was cool today. Firstly because like 80% were not working..I reached my office in 10 minutes...HONEST ! My dad says it is because I drive too fast. But it was because I used a new route. Secondly, I could do ALL the excess reports...by myself and made two calls to customers too. Had a great time wishing them a new year and then telling them what was the problem with their accounts and also listen to them wisely and telling them that they had to put more money in. Thirdly, I only had ONE cup of coffee today although only had about 2 hours sleep since was sneezing all night. So that is an improvement. Fourthly, I spent most of the day doing all my e-learning which are basically internal courses that employees have to take. I finished all 8 of mine which included Fire Safety, Companie Code of Conduct, AIDS awareness, Confidentiality, Reputation Risk, Operating Risk and a whole lot more of kaboodle. It was mainly skimming through loads of reading and then answering multiple choice questions. The total recommended time was like 15 hours...but I finished them in 4. Or less. Bad is it not ? But I passed all the assessments so it should be fine because it means I do know what they mainly talk about. Fifthly, I got a surprise sms from ParkyBear. Lastly, I had great company for lunch as we celebrated KenBear's 20th birthday. By we I mean the Trojans 2006, EugBear and DanBear. Trojans 2006 being the four people living in 3roi at IH this year. Although I took almost 2 hours for lunch, I think this is probably the last time that I can get away with it. Tomorrow is bowling day ! Hurray. And I got my credit card confirmed and my season parking confirmed. I feel as if I have accomplished a lot today and actually I have ! Am happy. Also, budgeting for me has also started since Feb 1. So I might turn out to be a lot more stingy than I usually am. No money la..........And my o2jam still has problems..phooey The moral of this story is : ~Contact lenses are cool~ and there are always A+ days in life. |