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| Saturday, February 11, 2006 I dreamt I was rolling around last night. Thankfully it was only a short while, cause at one point I got stuck. I blame JeanBear's ridiculously addictive, evil and lame PS Game.... For the first time in a long while, I did not blog every day, because I was actually too busy. Hmph. Can you believe it ? I had my first stress-filled frustrating day at work yesterday. Firstly I had tonnes of work, and approvals were going really slowly. Then my senior used my e-mail to mail a client caused hers was down. The client was really angry at the e-mail and then she told him she would take care of it. Meaning he was angry at me. And she did not tell him that she wrote it. So he wrote a nasty e-mail to me. Urgh. And then I had to redraft my documents a few times because noone told me the right format. And then my client was rushing me for them. And then my colleagues asked me to go for lunch with them. But they took a horrible amount of time watching a lion dance of all things. Of all things that I dislike. And they were so engrossed too. ARGHHH. I had a tonne of work waiting sommore in the office and we stood there for 30 minutes. I could not just walk off because that would be rude and detrimental to the rest of my year of relationships right? And then they wanted to change my laptop for a PC but took forever so I was stuck in the rainy traffic jam in KL for two hours. Once out, I got home in 10 minutes. The traffic is ridiculous. Ug. But I finally got my phone and personal line. So that is one good thing. I also learnt a lot although not in my preferred way. Met some of my high school mates last night. Not friends cause I do not think I even talked to them much in high school. But there were of course some common friends. And very surprisingly, we got along very well. I am not sure if it is due to the fact that we have not seen each other for very long, or that we are more mature and easy to get along with on the surface, or that we are all nostalgic about school people, or that high school cliques no longer apply, or just that many of us (at home) just do not have that many friends to hang out with any more ? What I do know is I overheard someone tell his girlfriend that I looked like this singer. I was pretty shocked. Although I did take time to prepare for this farewell party for ElaineBear. My contacts were in, I had my blue tinted glasses, my hair was all done up to show off the length, compulsory bling, and some hipper clothes and shoes. Now if only I had lost around 20kg, it would have been PERFECT. But that I regard as something to work on. Call it a work in progress. At my rate of eating, it should go well. Hehe. They also complimented my skin. Again surprise. Because this was not the usual people I hung out with, but everyone was warm and friendly. And special mention of course to the wonderful fish I had for dinner on Thursday night. And even more specialer mention to JeanBear for the wonderful company. Although I still blame my headache on the rolling game. Today I will meet the SAM gang for lunch and then off to the airport. So many people are leaving already. Will miss everyone. Looking at EdiBear's photos on the blog of Melbourne, I was very sentimental. Listened to the same song 10 times. And yet I could not get the words, cause I was too busy surfing for Melbourne stuff. Argh. What a waste of time. I have to start studying soon. Ug. Work + Study without the studying life. What could be worse? |