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| Sunday, February 19, 2006 Where did all the time go ? I was just going into my friendster (which has seriously lagged in updates since I finished my 50 photo quota...) and reading through all the testimonials. Haha..so touching, so nostalgic. Then when I finished mine I started reading other people's testimonials. It is quite amazing to read stuff about someone you know posted by others. You try to remember if they have ever been like that ? Were they really that nice ? Were they really that fun ? I thought they were smarter ? They already had a girlfriend ? They were married ??!?!! Questions run through your mind. The friend you thought you knew, actually has so many secret lives. Quite logical, considering with each group of friends you might have a different personality. But then you wonder, which is the real person that you know ? Even my testimonials. How different can you get ? My first testimonial all the way up to the most recent one. I do not honestly think I have changed much but it seems otherwise. What do people think about when they think of you ? Which you do they know ? Is it the real you ? Should you have an original personality and have many other clones ? Or does one really have no real personality ? Because I am sure, even in front of your parents you would have a certain way to act. Is life just about being an actor ? In hundreds of different roles ? Trying and fitting on each one to see which one fits you best ? I could write a book just asking questions. Listening to BoA's "Everlast"....gets you thinking. Very inspirational. And yet sad at the same time. How could anything you know last forever ? Love ? Friendship ? Memories ? Someone sent me a post which said time will make you forget everything. What if there were things you did not want to forget ? Could you choose ? Or even store them in an archive ? Why is life so complicated ? Yesterday, I had bak kut teh. Last week, I worked a 14 hour day. A fortnight ago, I got my first formal wages. A month ago, I started work. 2 months ago, I graduated from university. 3 months ago, I was in my last swot vacation. 7 months ago, I turned 21. A year ago, I started my last year in uni. 4 years ago, I received my SPM results. 9 years ago, I got my UPSR results. 12 years ago, I made my first great friends, friends that you could keep for a long time. 15 years ago, I finished with kindergarten. 18 years ago, I wet my bed. 21 years ago, I was born. It is extremely scary to think of all the time that has passed, of all the things that have changed, all the experiences you would have had, all the hundreds of clothes that you would have worn, the tonnes of food that you have eaten, all the people that have come in and out of your life and all the things that you would have learnt by now. It is a very sentimental weekend. I have already met up with KaiBear, JinBear, CCBear, KenBear, CKBear, KeeBear and IzyBear. And that will probably be that. Once they all go back to Melbourne, I guess, it is really time to find something else to do. What is the good of brooding ? But then again, I know I will miss them. When you think about it, the heart must be a really powerful organ. What with friends that I have left behind in Melbourne, and friends that will be going to Melbourne, how many shocks can the heart take and still function ? I am still alive. But yet, you know one day, it will stop beating. Until then, of course, you must always try your best to be happy. Because you never know when that day will be. Unless you commit suicide...which is dumb. You notice that this post could have ended with every paragraph ? And yet I still go on. But each time, there is a profound row of wise words to end it. Hehe. I am in a very typpity mood, that is why. And BoA is still singing. I love you all. (Yea, yea yea....people that I am thinking of...that is..) hUgZ..... Someone should set up a centre where depressed people can get free hugs ! With a good cup of coffee and some chocolate cake. That would certainly cheer anyone up ! |