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| Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Thoughts of the day. 5.30 am - 30 minutes more. Ug. 30 minutes more. 6.15 am - Shit !!! 6.30 am - Where is the hairdryer ? What colour shirt today ? Black pants. 7.00 am - Why the hell so jam ???? 7.45 am - Wah ! Big truck of flowers. Oh. Valentine's Day. So jam cause everyone wants to go office first to put their flowers down. It is weird that the person you love might not be the prettiest or the handsomest but they always make you smile when you see them. Ah. Nice happy thought to start the day. 8.15 am - Ug. Long day ahead. Stupid people cross road never look left. 11.30 am - No more work. Boring. Surf net. Shit, customer call !! 12.00 pm - Bloody bank needs RM250 just to open bank account. Must come back tomorrow. 12.10 pm - Why is JinBear calling me ? 3.30 pm - I am so gonna fall asleep soon. 5.45 pm - 15 more minutes can go home !! Stupid rain. Sure jam afterwards. CFA costs sooo much !! 5.59 pm - This much work by tomorrow morning. Shit Shit Shit Shit. No need to go home tonight. 6.30 pm - I am gonna die. Thanks CKBear for the SMS. Else I think I jump out the toilet window. 7.00 pm - I am never gonna finish this. Stupid boss already go home, never tell me ! 7.45 pm - 2 coffees already.. Should I have another one ? Falling asleep. 8.30 pm - Cannot finish wan lar !!! Still bloody raining. 9.00 pm - Oh well, at least I am no longer hungry. Stupid rain. Stupid Valentine's Day. Stupid Stupid. 9.15pm - Oh go home and come back tomorrow la. Will start work at 8 am anyway. They should SOO pay me more. Jam ar ? Stupid. Why are you holding hands and walking in the middle of the road ? Want to die together issit !?!?!!?!? Stop holding your freaking hands ! OMG. Another pair. You people got death wish issit. It is Valentine's Day, not die together day la ! OMG they are everywhere. Fact : Malaysian people are stupid. 9.45 pm - Home. No more hot water to bathe? Shit. Shit. Stupid Valentine's Day. 10.30 pm - Tofu and vege for dinner too? Serious ?? Well. Not hungry anyway. 10.45 pm - Blog first la. Stupid Valentine's Day. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. 11.00 pm - I want to hold someone's hand........Stupid Valentine's Day. 11.01 pm - ZzzZZZzZzZzzzZZzzStupid Valentine's DayzzzzZZzZZzZzZzzzz |