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| Saturday, February 18, 2006 Well after some careful research I have discovered I am not so far from the top of the corporate ladder after all. Let us see -- 1. KeeWin - New Recruit 2. Rachel - Assistant Relationship Manager 3. Jolyn - Senior Relationship Manager 4. Gary - Head, MNC Client Relationships 5. Peter C - Head, Global Corporates Client Relationships 6. Peter V - Head, SEA Client Relationships 7. Diana - Group Head, Global Corporates Client Relationships 8. Alex - Group Head, Wholesale Banking 9. Mike - CEO, Wholesale Banking 10. Kai - Group Exec Director 11. Mervyn - Group CEO So I am only 10 steps away. Of course, I did not count all the deputy heads and things like that and I am also sure you cannot really move up in a straight line but it is a comforting thought that I might reach the top in 30 years. So, 3 years every step is the next plan. Somehow, many people in the office are wearing cufflinks. Are they making a comeback ? I was really surprised because this item of accessory is even more useless than the necktie. But of course I cannot be outdone. I found out that my dad had a whole lot of cufflinks squirreled away. So he gave them to me. According to my mom, my dad was quite a fashionable person 15 years ago. (He does not bother much now, cause he is now in the "I can wear batik shirts and no accessories to dinner" stage). All is good for me, because I now have lots of expensive silk ties, tiepins, cufflinks and other male accessories. Yay. Some of them are even gold-plated and have semi-precious stones. Woohoo... instant accessory collection ! So I wore these pair of fantastic cufflinks, (gold circles with a big deep blue stone in each) with my dark blue shirt with white collar and sleeves for my annual staff dinner. My colleagues did not recognise me ! Well, of course. I brought a whole bag of stuff you see. Only my pants and shoes were the same. I put my contacts on and washed my hair and then blow it and gel it...and spray it too so that it stays...And of course all the various accessories, expensive watch, rings.... everything....hehe...now that they have seen me once in my alter ego, they will have lots to talk about in the office. Oh, annual dinner was really fun. Met lots of people, free flow of food and drinks...games, and it was all Egyptian themed. Very fun. Funny thing is, the event management company was run by these two guys from my highschool, one Joel and a Eugene. They are both a year ahead of me but I know Joel particularly well since we played squash together for a very long time. So yea, no free gifts or anything but it was good to have him see me dressed up. More positive talk among old school mates. Oh .. did you know that positive talk is very important. Everyday, we are sent e-mails about news articles that the bank has been involved in and whether how much it adds to our reputation or takes away. So it is important to have positive gossip going around. HEHE. Had a nice time today. Went to eat bak kut teh for the second time this year with CKBear, KeeBear and KaiBear. Then had another session of 3 person mahjong. There seems to be more rules everytime I play. It is quite frustrating. But this made us late for the karaoke session with JinBear and KimBear. JinBear was NOT happy. But she was only 12 minutes late and the cancelled the room. That is not fair. But we had a nice time just talking the afternoon away. They are all leaving this week. I told my manager that I would be quite free to work nights after this week cause all my friends have left. She told that was a good thing so I could spend more time with her !!! Haha...working... Sigh. I AM getting older and more mature too I guess. Only realised it when I went out today. My views on many things have changed. Sigh. Arghh.. DO NOT WANT TO BE OLD UNCLE !!! I will try my best. Meanwhile shock of shocks. Only halfway through the month and I have already spent almost RM1000. This is going to mean bad news for my budgeting. How will I pay for my studying fees !??? Need to cut down. No more going on because it is a drain on toll, parking, food, petrol, time to be spent studying and everything else too. Sigh. And I was already not buying any clothes ?!! I do not understand !?!?!? Where has all my money gone ?? I am so tired. I plan to sleep at 11pm tonight. Even though it is a weekend. I do not think my body can take it very much. It is very physically tired. Goodnight. |