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| Thursday, September 14, 2006 You know what, it seems like I am even busier now ! Due to the bloody illness last weekend, I have only one week, or actually less, since I only have until Friday to do a whole bunch of stuff including the stupid computer and meeting people who are going off to foreign lands. Firstly of course I must note that I must thank YKBear and GarBear for helping with the computer thus far. And JCBear is going to UK on Friday and SharBear is leaving on the 20th. At least I managed to squeeze in a dinner to DaoRae with him before he leaves. As for SharBear, it seems so hard to contact her... And I have had no end to lunches and dinners that I have been forced to create 'suppers'. Hey after all, there HAS to be a reason why they are there right ? So now, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, I am able to ask people out for supper. Good. I should have figured all this out a long time ago. 2 days to go before Port Dickson for company trip though I have to rush back to start off my 6 weeks of training in a KL hotel. You see ! My schedule is so rushed I hardly get any time off for myself. I have no time to eat properly since it is always for a meeting, I have no time to blog and so I am doing this from the office early in the morning. I need a personal assistant who can help me schedule stuff ! Or maybe I do not. |