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| Thursday, September 07, 2006 I came back to the city. Sigh. Feels so good. Though somehow I got a sort of cold/stuffed nose, maybe part of my away from KL syndrome. Basically everytime I go away, when I come back, it is as if I am no longer used to the dirty air in this place and all my allergies act up. Eww. Hate it. Eyes go red and watery and then my sinus acts up too. Luckily I made it through the lunch with the CEO and other top members before it became really bad. Then I met up with GBear and AnBear for a walk at Low Yat and looked at all sorts of computers before tramping through heavy rain to the car to rush out of the city at rush hour. Luckily we made it. But the damage is done I think. I think I have full blown flu. Hope getting enough rest tonight, as am doing some serious driving to Ipoh tomorrow with JengBear to meet ColBear. Just a little road trip. Need sleep. Am sneezing like crazy. Where is my hot honey lemon when I need it ? |