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| Friday, March 03, 2006 Whoa….talk about office politics. This is my story though, so it may not really be office politics. One of the managers in my team compiled birthdays of all her clients. She is quite new, about 3 weeks into the job. The head of the team sent out an email saying this was a good thing and we should stay personal with the clients. Then another manager immediately sent out an email giving tips like how the list should be short as we should only celebrate the birthdays of big clients due to lack of time and money. And some other things. Wah. So it was like basically “Please. As if she is doing something totally new that we are not doing now. And she is not even smart enough to think the plan through. Listen to this…instead. Act smart only. Want to let boss think you very smart.” Fooyoh !! But this could of course be totally the product of my over-imaginative brain. It could be just more senior managers giving some good advice. And then also there are these managers who are always smiling when talking to you and being very nice. But once they discover your place at the bottom of the whole team they change. They can stop smiling once they turn away. Or stop talking and walk off when the lift opens as if they have never been listening to a word they say. They think you would not notice, but I do. They are so fake. But they cannot fool me, after all cause I am such a master of fake behaviour. I can sniff out fakeness right away. But it is okay cause I fake them back. Seriously I think all office workers wait for Fridays. It is the best day of the week. Not the weekends and not any other day but Friday. Because of the potential. Any other weekday is too far from the weekend. And the weekend itself just reminds you that Monday is coming. But Friday is just perfect. Everyone will be in a good mood and wear nice clothes for casual Friday. They will also outline their plans for the night and the weekend loudly for everyone to hear. Then little cliques of senior staff will joke and laugh over private things, flirt a little (scandalous !) and also ask us (juniors) what we are doing. TGIF !!! I think it is very unfair how people tell you certain things like ‘Procrastination is the thief of time” and “Always save for a rainy day” but they never tell you just how IMPORTANT they are ! So you should really take note man !! Advice from old people ARE TRUE !!! It just takes time for you to know how true they can be. For example, not only am I penniless right now and unable to buy things that I want and regretting buying certain useless things or clothes that I do not wear, I also find that I am short on time for everything !!! Because I procrastinate too much. So do listen to the wise words of your elders before too late…like me.. OMG. My colleagues just asked me why am I always so happy and making jokes. They ask if I was the joker in class. Little do they know that I was sooooo quiet in class !!! And busy studying too……so people can change after all. Oh and I caught one my bosses scratching his butt.....in the corridoor. Haha he was the same one who arranged his golf balls in the shape of a smily face in front of the big boss' door. OOOO…..was pretty glad I stayed back a later today. One of my managers needed a file which only I had since I typed it out. Without me, he would have lost a few million dollars !! OOOOO…..so hehe I guess you can say I just earned that few million for the bank although I guess I should have left a copy on the network. But still….. Ah dinnertime !!@!!@#R%@$% |