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| Monday, February 27, 2006 I wrote this whole article about Monday Blues but stupidly left it in the office. Oh, well. Post it up later. First news. I SHARED A CUP WITH Ahem....ahem....hehe. Actually more like she gave me a cup and asked me to finish her drink....I am so overreacting. Reason no names are mentioned is because my colleagues might read this soon enough. (I gave out my e-mail..stupidly. and if they are anything like me and google every friend's nickname........my cover will be blown.) Anyway, paid my mom today. Seriously, you cannot tell who is happier. My mom...or me. LOL...yea..I think I will get over giving money to someone else really fast. .... but for now, got a little proud of myself lar !!! PS IT WAS NO SMALL SUM !!! I could buy LOTS !! I bought lots anyway already !! Argh...*Evil...next time I shall lock up my money so that I have no chance to spend it ! Had a nice lunch....curry katsu...sigh...lovely.....miss my curry katsu so much !!!... Ooh...and driving along the highway in the morning listening to the Disneyland song got me reminiscing about bowling nights...cause when SoBear drove, I would always turn the CD to this song...hehe...so it was pretty good to think about those times... I am going to the GYM tomorrow for the first time !! Quite excited..Okla..I am just a little hyper today....dunno why ? Haha...A lot of things happened today actually :) New shoes fit perfectly and are really classy .. Love them love them love them to bits !!! Ok trojans. I saw the mess. Enough evidence. CLEAN IT UP !! hahaha.... Little do you know that when I lived there it looked like that too. Just that whenever people were coming, I put everything into SalBear's room. Haha.... I am neat.....but also SMART !!! Have a good semester everyone who is in Melbourne still studying !! I saw a picture of FredBear and I thought for a moment, it was his kid !! (He had a baby with him).. Seriously..it is scary how fast people grow up. Hey FredBear, wait a while...we should have kids at the same time so that they can go to IH together ! I am happy. I realised that today. It has been a while. At least I have job satisfaction and I enjoy going to work. Oh..tomorrow I also have a counselling session for my postgrad studies. After work that is. Hmmm..I have visions of myself being a superman, multitasking...making big deals, lots of friends, lots of money, accomplishing lots, dancing with AheM..... sigh..... Happiness is a wonderful thing. |