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| Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Do you know why they call it the Monday Blues? This is some first hand experience. Usually, after the long weekend, one might not consider that Monday was a full working day. And therefore your brain will still be fixed on the fact that maybe, just maybe there is a little holiday left in the day? By the time you figure out that there is actually NIL holidays left for the day, you will feel a bit cheated, a bit depressed or just a bit of both. This is of course a mood spoiler. Now this could easily be the end of the story because a happy friend or colleague could easily come by, give you some cake or a hug to make you feel better. The problem is everyone is feeling the same way, so there is absolutely no savior or hero to give you the care bear stare to make you feel better. But this is just the beginning. Many people have leftover work from last Friday, so the first thing that they will see upon coming back to the office is a pile of work. Not a very nice thought as well. When Monday’s work starts to pile up as well, many will throw their hands up in frustration. And since everyone has a lot of work, they will always try to throw some work to you so that they will have less. More Monday Blues. The worst things also seem to happen. Since it is the beginning of the week, the traffic will obviously be worse than usual as everyone tries to get to office earlier to try to finish their leftover work. A bigger than normal jam is produced and this will in turn cause tempers to rise and more accidents than usual as well. Things that you expect to have been cleared over the weekend has not been done. More work for you. Customers complain and you have to fend them off. Again, not a mood improver at all. Bosses having the Monday Blues will pass on their bad moods to their underlings and no-one is happy. Some people will try to take leave on Mondays as this will give them a longer weekend. However, while they have fun, other people are inconvenienced. For example, things do not get approved and have to be postponed to another day, putting whole projects back, or someone is not around, so you do not have the key to the cabinet where the important files are kept, or maybe even the mail gets put back by a day because the office runner is not around to hand them around and no-one realizes it until it is too late. So work gets put off and has to be left uncompleted, frustrating many people. At the same time, because the weekend has just passed, many things have been forgotten so many people will need to re-read many things, project reports, news and even catch up on weekend gossip. This will increase the time needed to produce a piece of work. And since the weekend can change many things…many reports no longer current will also have to be changed. The bother of all this will again cause many frustrations as well as bad tempers. Then the weekend will result in there being less coffee in the coffee machine than usual since no-one has been along to fill it up. Some will no doubt have a foul mood due to the lack of coffee in their daily life. Then some food stalls will also close on Mondays, causing more inconvenience. The decrease in supply will cause overflow to other food stalls, causing long queues for a simple plate of rice. People standing in the heat will try to squeeze into the shops, giving workers less space to maneuver and thus the occasional accident. Who will be happy with soup on their pants? More grumbling. Plus since everyone is trying to bide their time in an attempt to return to office as late as possible, there will be no space to sit, and then more grumbling. Things just seem to happen the whole day long and though we all know that most of these things are normal everyday things, they just seem to happen more often on a Monday. There is no simple cure to this. You just have to find someone immune to all the negative energy on a Monday to stay happy. Have a hug. Well that was the article I wrote at work yesterday. Have so much more to write about today. Gym in the morning is great. Somehow it gives you lots of energy for the rest of the day. I am aching all over though. But also considering going tomorrow. I love the feel of muscle ache. A bit sadist la me. Work is satisfying which is good. I love being on the phone with customers, multitasking and doing up reports. I wonder if I will make a good trader ? It seems very exciting on the global markets floor. Oh. I LOVE my manager. She not only gives great advice, she forces you to think about your future. She is great too. She was a mass communications graduate, yet she is now a senior relationship manager in her late 30s. And yet did you know she is the top Japanese client manager in Asia ? No wonder she got so much bonus. She is great and I love her.. I do !! Not in a perverted way, but as in whoa! idol way. She can be so funny and also serious when she is talking about something. I want to be like her. |