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| Monday, March 06, 2006 I was *evil today and sneaked off from work at 5.45 pm. On the dot. Hehe. One gotta enjoy life sometimes. But I did a lot of work today. And was very absorbed in it too. So absorbed that today just seemed to fly right by. Looked up and it was already lunch time. Sat down and it was almost 5 pm. I like these kind of days. Because it means that you are doing something and are enjoying it too ! Well I certainly did. A lot of job satisfaction today. Made about a hundred phone calls to 50 different people. Got things going and made a lot of connections all over the organisation. Got someone's mobile number. (Sheesh it was so easy ! Why could I not do it when I wanted to when I was younger.... ??) Hurrying people using the word urgent. Made people feel extremely well-serviced with attentive calls and promises made good. Ah...I love my job. And I must admit, feel quite happy right now. Happiness is a good thing. IT IS ! Oh and I came home and guess what I got. CKBear's postcard from the plane. It has taken like 2 weeks to get here !? Lol..and only one arrived. One more seems to have got lost in the mail. Thanks. Also thanks to trojans for the nice phone call. Only problem was that it got me too excited and I could not sleep that night. Toss and turn...stupid bolster...haha.. So not enough sleep = too tired to go gym = wasted opportunity to lose weight..... Argh. Early bedtime tonight and then gym tomorrow. Bad news = my pants are all too loose. Good news = I lost weight. Bad news = Need to spend money on new pants. Good news = Get to go shopping for new pants. Life is complicated. But fun. You never know what can be around the corner. Like love. And chocolates. And stains on your shirt. |