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| Friday, January 13, 2006 I am all grown up. I mean it. I will be starting my employment on the 16th of January 2006. No more time for kiddy things or childish games or unresponsibilitiness or or...or.... I am not really sure. I thing it just means I am adult. But in some ways, I find that it is not that easy to grow up. For one, right now all my bones hurt and my right arm feels like it is dropping off...(which would incidentally get rid of my extra arm syndrome disease) and I just want to drop into bed and sleep for 2 days. But I cannot. There are too many things to do. I have a tonne of forms to fill up. A bank account to open tomorrow. Send the car for servicing. Pore over the KL Map and find my way around town to work tomorrow. Clean up the car. File all my important documents. Figure out what to wear on Monday. Clean the house. Make sure house chores are all done. Buy more good underwear. Buy a pair of good shoes. Call up some old friends who I have not met for a long time. Bake a cake. Sigh. I guess being adult just means having to do more work without complaining. It is not fair. |