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| Sunday, January 08, 2006 I guess the biggest news I have today is pretty tame. I managed after a few tries to attain level 12 for my o2jam character. For those of you who do not know, it is a like a computer game, DDR format, for fingers. It is the thing that is my current obsession now. It is really fun too. The weird thing is that I find that I like the classical pieces the most cause it is almost like playing piano. Other than that, I went to pasar malam today for the first time. Not too bad since I went at 3.30 in the afternoon and it was not hot too. So it was pretty good. Meanwhile I have just written up a huge list of things to do before I start work next week. It is pretty daunting and includes people to see, things to clean, household minor repairs, appointments for eyes and teeth, as well as entertainment.... I had no idea I have so many things to do. In other news, there will not be a new purchase of a new computer at my place. Grrrr. Therefore, will have to tolerate the publicness of the current computer in use....ug. Not that I hate sharing it, but it is so .. MESSY....I itch to clean it up. Just like mine in Melbourne, I would like to keep it sleek and full of memory instead of filled to the brim. Not flexible at all. It is quite stressful living with people who do not think the same way as you .. even if they are family. I guess especially when they are family since they should be the one to know you the best right ? But sometimes I feel that certain friends would know me better. But then again, which is the real me ? Because I know very well that with different groups of people I take on different personalities. Which is also a problem. Since I also want to know which is the real me. So I took a few of those dumb online tests. So things I found out about myself. I am more intuitive then a sensor. (Meaning I do not follow rules strictly but try to improvise and am flexible). My inner colour is 'blue' which means I am very cool and unemotional on the outside like a piece of sky but inside I am all raging full of emotions and feelings and creativeness....(like the sea). I am a cook. Obviously relating to the fact that I like to cook as compared to being a gardener, plumber, shopkeeper...very stupid test. So. I am an intuitive blue cook. Crap. I am confused. |