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| Thursday, December 29, 2005 Well only 2 days from a new year and a new life. Can I make it ? I do not know. I have always been really dependent on emotional support from family and friends. I need and crave human contact to continue to stay alive...or even functional. With the Melbourne people going back to their lives across the sea, and myself not yet meeting any of my old friends, it seems like a bleak future. Also, many of my high school friends are either still studying, working or have lost contact, so it seems like I will have to be really emotionally independent. The question is can I ? Any answer based on past data would have to be a no. Somehow, I have always managed to parasitically stick myself onto people. The problem I face now is, how parasitic can I get with a bunch of people whom I see almost everyday at the workplace but not live together ? You see ? I have never seen so much of some people and yet not live with them. IH has certainly spoilt me. Even now, finding myself separated from all the human contact that I have enjoyed, is starting to have negative side effects on me already. I have become suspicious, slightly anti-social, bad-tempered, depressed and acquired several bad habits. It is really late. The latest that I have been up in Malaysia for. And yet. Alone.... |