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| Wednesday, January 04, 2006 So. After having gone for 3 interviews with respectively, EY, HongLeong and Standard Chartered, I find myself offered the Standard Chartered job, awaiting a call from HongLeong and a second interview from EY on Monday. I also have a scheduled interview with ECM Libra on Friday. Going for interviews are quite fun actually, you get to talk about yourself, and then see what people's reactions are like. But it is also tough when you have to write essays or when you get asked IQ questions. Luckily, I like both. It is like some exam you would have had in school. The Standard Chartered job is actually my second choice after the training programme thing with HSBC but since they rejected me I guess SC it is. Although it is a bit early to say so. I have to go for my medical checkup on Friday morning at Jalan Ampang. Which means I have to reschedule my eye checkup and I have yet to schedule my dental appointment. And all this comes at a time when I have not met most of my friends back here at all ! Of my high school friends I have only met SahBear, GaryBear, PhilBear, RabBear.....and JustBear which does not really count. As for the IHers, I have met a few more of them but still not a number to be proud of. Will of course be meeting NickyBear tomorrow night for the first time in almost 3 years since he has been far away in UK while I was in Australia and I never came back for the winter holidays. Interesting to see what changes have occurred. Anyway so back to the job. It is actually the Standard Chartered Graduate Associate Programme which places graduates into fast track learning programmes. Globally they are accepting 240 people but in Malaysia only 8. Which was good. Since they told me I was the first one to be picked. Apparently a lot of people did not get past the online tests. But my interview went well, and when they asked when I could start, I said tomrrow. SO they had the second interview straight away instead of in two weeks as per usual. So I met another head of department and had the interview there and then. Luckily he was a very nice man. We got along well and before I knew it, it was over and I was being handed forms to sign. Stress ! But I just need to go for my medical on Friday first. Then I would have to start on the 16th which is really too bad since it cuts short my holidays by a lot. I had expected to have at least until Chinese New Year. 16th ! That is only like 10 days away. Only 10 more days of being unemployed ?? |