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| Thursday, January 12, 2006 I am so exhausted today. After a late night last night and then an early morning because I wake up at 7 every morning to go on a morning walk with my mom. By nine, I had also done some house chores and cleaned up my room. Then I was driving off to Bangsar to meet IzyBear, JeanBear and CKBear for some badminton at some obscure place. Armed with my new map which I bought yesterday I set off. I made it to Bangsar. Then I got lost. But with the help of a map and lots of rounds I made it to IzyBear's house. Then it turned out that we had no court so had to go all the way back to Subang to play at 3K. On the way there, I was countlessly hopeless behind the wheel with IzyBear's stressful directions not really helping the situation. After all, it was my virgin Bangsar trip ! Anyway we played badminton for 2 hours !! And I was quite tired, the knee was hurting a bit and my right arm was really throbbing. But after some lunch at the nearby A&W, we decided to bowl at Pyramid but the stupid Interstate Competition was being held there so we had to go to Summit instead after me swearing that I would never go there again. But surprise surprise because it the daytime, Summit is half decent. 2 games well over my average of 133 was great news but it was IzyBear who stole the show with a very good second game. And he says he has not played for a long time. What a showoff !! Haha. But it was a very fun day. Although I must say that I am dead knackered today. I took a bath and I did not want to leave. It felt so good to have water everywhere, releasing tension in the muscles and washing away the sweat ! Tomorrow I have to go to Standard Chartered to sign my contract for employment. It will mark the moment that I grow up. Hopefully not too fast !!! I need to find places to park as well and get into the working mode. I start on Monday !! Stress. Well a bit. I am also quite excited to start and learn. I need to get ahead and this is a good head start. JoeBear is here and I am also meeting him tomorrow at SS2 apparently. Should be good fun. |