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| Saturday, August 20, 2005 Who would have thought that the ball could be so fun ? And other things as well ? It has been an eventful week with lots of fun and frolic as well as all things melancholic...mostly... Practising hard for Italian National Night performances now....singing the national anthem as well as teaming up with ParkyBear and HarvBear to perform Josh Groban's Gira Con Me....hopefully it will sound alrite ! Last night was great ! The best ball venue by far that I have ever been to. Incidentally, it was the Monash International Students' Ball. By surprise met JamesBear there. Never thought I would see him again. I certainly have not seen him for a year. Anyway...the venue was great....very grand.....it was the Park Hyatt.... :) Performances during the ball was good. The lucky draw prizes were great too....televisions, stay at the Hyatt....Ipods....wow...Very many beautiful people there...mostly by now elegant simple dresses not like back in college or high school although there were still some very tacky gowns...guys as usual...suits...I swear the best thing about balls is you get to dress up and take pictures ! Main meal was a very nice grilled chicken with mash...and the appetizer was a great salmon toast with cucumber and yoghurt. Dessert however was yummy. It was almost a mix between tiramisu and ice cream cake with pears and some ice cream. Amazing. The best thing..the whole group was there....even KenBear and KanBear.. !! Only two missing....WoobyBear and LuciBear. Due to earlier commitments of course. Pictures later. Then we went to the TCC house to celebrate EsthBear's birthday. She is 22 ! Then we had a really wonderful group picture before going off to Next Blue for the afterparty. I swear...I will never go back again...there had to be a reason I have not been there....I found it...the worst ventilation in a club ever ! It was extremely smoky and dark and very sticky too....unless you were in a VIP room..it would not be fun at all. Anyway back home around three and was playing poker with FredBear in the lounge. And fell asleep..although was meant to go karaoke...everyone was bummed. Tired, homework were some reasons. Also, many were on training for soccer and basketball. Anyway, after some foos, had a real study session and actually accomplished quite a few things ! Quite proud of that...has almost given me the night off. Phew. |