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| Monday, August 01, 2005 Phewwweeee...I forgot to thank everyone for their wonderful presents... !!!!! Thank you very much, and I had a very nice birthday ! Yesterday..I went on the river cruise again. I figured it was going to be my last river cruise right...so why not...and it was a fun one anyway...because the theme was uniforms so I had to dress up as well....since I could not be bothered to actually have a proper uniform, I just (sort of) wore school uniform. But the effort taken by many others were great ! There were firemen, nurses, pilots, lawn bowlers, taekwondo fighters, policewomen and a whole bunch of japanese schoolgirls....! It was a GREAT night....without going into a lot of details.... One interesting thing that happened that night was that certain people got involved with certain other people and then scuffles broke out but it was not that serious in the end anyway. Mostly misunderstandings but then again..these things happened when people get trashed right ? A fresher JamesBear then commented that now he knew why rumours always fly around IH.... I guess it is sort of an orientation of how things work in college...haha IzyBear and JeanBear brought me home and then I had to wake up the next morning too...but somehow at around six AM I almost went to the loo without my pants on and I think I scared XXBear's friend who was staying the night. But I expected to see no one and therefore was not very cautious ! Oops ! Then I had to go play football for IH again. It was my third game and this time I played all four quarters....It is very tiring. I think you must be superfit to play football. I am talking about AFL football of course...not soccer. Although I still a had a jarred right thumb, and everything was woozy....everyone else was not in a very good shape either...but I think I played my best game.... (namely, I did more on the field then I ever did before)....so it was good fun. Then off to a picnic at the Botanical Gardens ! Almost everyone from the gang was there ! It was very good fun with loads of food, and I also brought a football and a cricket bat so we had some games as well. Then bridge games were also going on around the picnic mats... It was like a party and I know that many people were envious at the spread we had. Pizza, sandwiches, brownies, cookies, cake, puffs, sausage rolls, nuggets....it was great ! Later, travelled to JinBear's house to try out the new Singstar games...on PS2... If you do not know what it is..it is like singing karaoke but then you have to hit the right notes and then you get points so that you can battle with your friend ! I think I sang for almost two hours !! Then I played French Open tennis with SoBear till about 10. I am IMPROVING !! Now I can get 2 sets off him. What a busy day !! |