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| Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Tuesday. Timetable is out today and I shall need to make some changes tonight at midnight. What fun. And at the same time, it will be my last time that I need to log onto Alloc8 and arrange my timetable - checking out venues so that I won't have too far to go, choosing tutors, arranging to have lunchtimes...what a waste it is that now that I am finally good at this that I shall have to stop doing it soon. Last night, was up to 3 discussing some pretty important topics in anyone's life with a few loved and dear ones. Life, Love and Career. Career - there are some who have failed in their quests and yet never give up. They may be less endowed with abilities or talents but nevertheless, never give up. That I admire. No matter how underhand or barely legal it is, it is still a fight for survival in today's life. It also shows how much a person will fight for his/her dream. It is heartening to see, especially in today's youth. Love - there are also some who face difficulties and yet the phrase which strikes at the end is "no matter what the difficulties, in the end it is insignificant". That is a strong phrase. Everthing will be alright, is an invincible phrase, bandied around for millenia and still just as strong. Relationships work both ways and it takes two to believe in each other. It is not easy to love someone wholeheartedly and let us not forget the even nobler ones...who due to unrequited or forbidden love....only wshes for the one they love to be happy.....such selfless love...is beautiful. Life - life is a long journey some may say. Then why am I at the cusp of turning 21, feel that I am running out of time ? There are so many things that I want to do, I want to experience and yet there is not much time left. Human beings are so full of potential and yet many times we are simply restricted by laws, time, ability, money and others. Everyone has got to find their own way, what they want to do, and what they want to achieve. There are simple ones, such as just owning a restaurant...to more bizarre ones and yet...is it not the best thing to be able to be happy all the time. Sure there are many things that I want and yet....as long as I am happy, I am perfectly willing to accept any changed to my life. Ah....life.. C'est la Vie....... |