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| Monday, July 11, 2005 Had a mini revelation today. Am I trying too hard (or at all for that matter) to be someone or something that I am not ? Basically I was in this situation that I have always dreamed of, and I had known what to do, what to say, how to act and everything. But I could not. It had to do with my knowledge, language barrier, as well as just the situation. In the end I came to the conclusion that sometimes it is better to stick to things that you know. This is because then you can perform to the best of your abilities. Then I got to thinking, what is life without dreams ? What is life without challenges and things to improve oneself ? Should I not try harder next time instead of giving up already ? Talking to FredBear after the situation made me think again, in fact inspired me to try again. Why not ? At the same time, I also feel that I have come to project images on certain people, and only to find that sometimes, they really are just kids. Is it myself becoming older and wiser and more mature to think this way ? Or maybe I am just not fun anymore ? Or is it just that slowly my way of thinking as well as personal morals have changed ? Because I find that I do not have much of a conscience. I am also developing a slight case of kleptomania. It is crazy. But sometimes I just cannot help myself ? Am I becoming more and more materialistic ? Do I crave earthly goods ? I also have come to feel (just for a moment) how one would feel with in-laws. I think if two families do not understand each other's humour and jokes, it could potentially be a deal-breaker. Check out Monster-In-Law. I think I may safely say that I may have experienced the feeling although obviously not with in-laws. |