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| Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Bam and what do you know, I have already been to four hours of lecture. It is very puzzling to me just why going to two hours of lectures can leave me exhausted for the whole day !!! Went bowling yesterday and got my highest ever score - 151. Oooooh...Maybe I can still improve. After using a 10 ball for much of my life....I started the 12 this year and yesterday tried the 14....Next time I shall start with the 14. It is very exciting... The freshers are here and well...quite interesting bunch. Not much Asians this time...and that could be a plus as will not need to make so many friends...whom I will miss later in the year. Assassins is also underway and the good thing this year is the changes I made are starting to take effect...as in people are genuinely trying to play. This is because I made it so that you would know the first person you are supposed to kill so that would make you want to play compared to if you did not know at all who you were supposed to kill. Still I doubt anyone would make my record of 13... Man I am so in love with this Canto song that has to do with Disneyland....It was weird at first but the more I listen to it...the more I get attracted to it. I even hear it in my sleep now !! Sigh...the wonder of music... |