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| Thursday, August 11, 2005 The play went well. Although I am just props manager again, I must say this time the job is slightly more demanding and would never have been successful without HuiBear...and to some extent ChrisBear. The play this time is Othello and although meant to be a tragedy, is now somewhat of a comedy, due to poor acting, loss of memory on stage....sick actors, in fact everything that can happen has happened. Luckily the audience just finds everything funny. I think the idea of having subtitles as to what the characters actually say in Shakespearean is actually very good. This way even if you cannot understand the actors, you can read. I actually have a 15 % exam tomorrow...stress... oh well tell you guys something funny. Anyway, during the holidays and recent times, I have taken some new photos...and changed the pic on my friendster. Imagine my surprise and to some extent horror when I get messages from 8 people (and counting) so far wanting to be my friend..all girls of course. Excerpts from their messages include.....0_O you look so cute !! and "are you some korean boy ?" ....I laugh. And I wonder. Whoa.... Cool. More on that next time. On this topic. Recently I have met a girl. She is from China. Anyway, cut a long story short....we got closer, we are going to the ball together, spent a lot of time talking..and playing table tennis and shopping....friends commented how fast we were going...it was true....only in the space of a few days...I think we spent more than 20 hours together...I do not think I have ever gotten to know someone so well so fast. Anyway....I find now that I am bored. Why ? I do not know. One popular theory brought up was just that...after FredBear got together with SherBear, I felt bored and just found someone. It might be true. I was feeling a bit lonely. However, it really was not random. I really did think that something might have happened. I got long talks and lectures from a few friends and I think...(I hope) after a few days of stressing out...and depressed moments...and lots of rationalising....I will not pursue...the matter. It is after all...not fated....different countries...and me graduating and all that... but it was nice to have the feeling all over again....the feeling of being in high school and when you can just fall suddenly into the pit of love.....not-caring...and all so sudden.....so deep....so emotional....until you think like an adult... Being 21 now...is a reality and I do think in some parts that it has changed me.... Yea I am admitting this...me who is always so sceptical about all coming of age..stories and ceremonies....but well time does catch up with someone. I feel infintely lucky however...that I am not at all bored of life....and in fact....very much excited about what is going to happen. Sad....but excited !! |