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| Saturday, May 27, 2006 I have no time. Absolutely none. In fact whenever I think I have a little time, it slips by and I am left with none again. After the first two extremely busy days, on Wednesday I helped out at a function which appeared on the news, except that I was not shown at all. Forget it. I guess I am not as important as the CEO. I did get free food, and exposure again though. However, if you though I had less work since half the day was gone, you were sooooo wrong. I had just as much work and in fact, more to cram in, and went back late again. SharBear left me hanging on dinner that night. Dad coming back or something. Ug. Thursday was no better except it was closer to the weekend. Was about to go for bowling when MrGiew got me something to do work again. AGAIN at 5.30. Why is it that bosses know just exactly when NOT to give you work and they give it to you then ? He told me he wants it done by tomorrow. And then insists that I go down to Carnegie's next door with the team and have drinks. Well, when am I supposed to do the work then ? After the drinks ?!?!? So since I was there, and he was paying, none of this cheap beer for me. I had two orders of my favourite drink - Malibu Pineapple, and enjoyed my free cocktails. Then it started raining extremely heavily, it felt that the bucket of Heaven was kicked over. Then I found out SharBear could not make it for dinner since her cousin was coming back or something. So stayed back and work. Friday I came in early to finish off the project. And damned if it was not Pink Day. Basically everyone on the floor had to wear pink, in support of breast cancer. Was almost able to go karaoke at lunchtime, when it looked like rain and had to settle for a walk around Sungeiwang, where I bought nothing except hairspray. I did want to buy this Milo T-shirt...but I could not find the shop and gave up. Work work and then it was credit training. Quite a salvation. Although boring, it also gave me something to do other than work, and I find it extremely weird that MrWhan stays with his parents, is married and I am VERY curious to find out if he has children. This MrWhan is seriously WEIRD. But funny weird. And he has good ideas as well. And that is about it. SharBear could not go for dinner because she was going to a funeral. Saturday morning finds me getting ready to go to the Sports Club's bowling tournament. I rolled 4 games of 111,118,168 and 108. Hmph. Not really anything to shout about. But I guess I could roll 4 games without rest now on the 14 pound ball. Which is an improvement. But I am still upset that the balls are all the same size regardless of weight. Hmph. Unfair. Having Sakae Sushi tonight is the plan. Hope it is not too full. It is quite small. Have to leave soon. I need time to do things that I want to do. March crawled by like a snail. April zipped past like a hare. And May is just going weirdly. Sometimes it seems fast and sometimes it seems slow. And I doubt if SharBear will have time for dinner next week. After all, every day I come home and am asleep quite soon afterwards and in fact this is the first week that I have fallen asleep at the wheel for a long time, not since March. June come quick !!! So I have found out that work has some really important words. Repeat after me. Work, Boss, Deadline, Work, Overtime, Boss, Work, Salary, Holiday, Colleague, Drinks, Work, Boss, Deadline, Work and Overtime. Gah !!~~ |