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| Tuesday, May 16, 2006 I have now successfully survived two full days at work suffering from headache and intense sleepiness. Mayhap I am really growing old. Or maybe just the stress of ITSA. Even though I have taken Thursday and Friday off, I will be going back on Friday afternoon, and am still seriously considering going back on Thursday since there is a big meeting. Argh. It seems as if one can NEVER take some time off. Have got severely addicted to pokerstars again. Nuff said. Arghh.. Need to study. Seriously, there has got to be more to life. But of course there are always funny things that you encounter. Like when you swipe all 200 free weekly passes to the gym and arrange them in a nice geometric pattern on your colleague's desk. Or when you get lost somewhere in the vast area of PJ and find yourself totally lost. Or finding out after playing Mahjong for 6 hours that you are wearing green while your two companions are in red and white. And then learning that you can get withdrawal syndromes when you skip Milo. |