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| Saturday, May 06, 2006 It is pretty sad to find out that two close friends are going through Melbourne withdrawal syndromes. I sympathise very much as I have fully felt the effects and am still feeling them. However, I would like to say that life must go on somehow, and pray hard that someday, somehow, you will get to meet your friends again, and even if the shops have changed, the apartment has been torn down, and everything has changed, memories in your mind will stay for a long time. I wish I could learn to take my own advice. I still miss Melbourne as well. Life has been very kind to me and sometimes I am very thankful. But often, I am ungrateful and frequently ask for more, is that bad ? Maybe I just want to be a little bit happier ? And sometimes I wonder when is the next big change going to happen for me ? Yes I know that I have started to work and also to study part time as well. But it still feels as if I am doing everything in a daze, and I have not completely woken up to this fact as well. It is true. I still expect to go on holiday for Easter. I plan trips to certain restaurants in Melbourne in my dreams. I keep wanting to recommend things to people and realising that it was in Melbourne. In some ways, Melbourne has sort of become the little utopia for me. But then again, will it be different now that everyone has also grown up ? Would I still like it this way ? How would I feel if I just stayed young in uni but everyone else grows older and moves on ? I just cannot answer these questions and it is not like they are going to happen anyway. The next big change, a rotation to a new department maybe ? The training in Singapore which I hope will happen ? A girlfriend ? Successfully completing something at work and being recognised ? What will happen next ? It is very easy to cry but so much harder to smile at people and continue on through life. It takes a lot of bravery and courage. And you wonder why we keep at going through life ? What awaits ? |