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| Wednesday, April 19, 2006 As I was telling someone today, I find that sometimes, I can wake up at 5.30 am, drive to the city, walk up 5 flights of steps, go on a treadmill for 10 minutes before I am fully conscious of things around me. While it is good because it means I think I get a little more rest, it is bad that life is so zombified. Oh well. Things can be worse. I was dead worried today because some people passed me some wrong information TWICE and I passed it on to the customers but I found out the good thing about usually being nice and cute to your customers. This customer helped me find a solution to both our problems and it turns out that it was someone's fault. Someone who did not follow the customer's orders and so will have a problem. Haha. Oh well, bad to laugh at someone's expense but I am quite relieved. Very relieved in fact. Also relieved that finished a big tiring project today. Will be able to be back to normal for a while and so can get some studying done. Have not done much this week yet. Need to get motivated. Maybe it is all this Easter holiday bug going around...... Am broke. Car instalments + Petrol + Parking + everything else costs too much. Wish I earned millions a month. Big meeting tomorrow .................... BBQ at boss' house Friday night. Cannot believe some people are not going on holidays these holidays. So sad.. Japanese food is still great.....had it for lunch and dinner. But cost so much. Everything seems to cost so much. Arghhh. |