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| Wednesday, April 12, 2006 I had this dream last night and I thought I had to write it down, just in case. Anyway, I was running from the foyer of IH to the dining hall for dinner and I was late. I went up to the front of the hall and realised that I had to get food. On the way, I realised there were a lot of new faces that I had not met before. I especially could see two girls..who have only been described to me as the 'Evil Girl' and the 'Bitchy Girl'. Somehow, I could hear that they were bitching about someone else behind their backs. They were dressed in those skimpy denim shorts with strands and had legs up on the chair. They were very tanned and had on those spaghettis even though it was quite cold. Anyway, I bumped into NiqBear, JinBear, RaeBear and SoBear who just came back from somewhere. The casino I think. SoBear had had some drinks and he was laughing in the way he does when he had alcohol. We continued to get food and told him to stay where he was. Anyway, in the kitchen, they had changed around some of the serving places. I was served by this guy named Billy who was taller than me, had glasses on and hair that stood on end. Very weird. Anyway, he was also a bit slow. And took forever to serve. The food looked very good though ! It was like some chicken slices in pita bread with salad and cheese. And because we had to get food for SoBear, this Billy person actually gave me twice as much food and added cheese as well. And then these two girls walked in from the far side of the kitchen. They were new and were telling each other about going to Japanese schools. I was listening in and asked if their parents worked there. They said no and I went..."You did not actually get fooled into thinking that you only had to sit for one exam to go to university in Japan right ? " because it seemed that it was the rumour going around. Very weird I know, but at that time in the dream, it seemed to be so. They laughed and said no. Their names were Amelie and Jennifer I think. And then we went to sit down for dinner and somehow everyone was gathered at the table and I had to pull up a chair just to eat. Everyone was laughing at a joke and just as I was about to take a bite of my chicken pita, the alarm clock rang ! Is it not frustrating when the alarm clock always seems to ring at the worst moments ? There always seems to be some ending to the dream, much like the moral of the story that I was unable to get...and it frustrates me a lot. This time, I sort of remembered a lot of the dream but sometimes I forget. And though I write it down there are many things you just cannot write down. Like the weather outside, and how the carpet had a whole in it, or the chair had a screw loose. There are a million details in the dream and it is impossible to describe them all. I am having more dreams nowadays. Is this a sign ? Haha. At least they are happy dreams though they make me feel a little sad when I realise I am not in Melbourne. On a sadder note, I received my rejection from this bank in Melbourne after a few rounds of tests and stuff. So, will not be going to Melbourne for any interview or job. Sucks. I believe Tat and Krystle were going to ski in Melbourne this August. Guess I cannot join them, because it does cost a bit, and there is no way that I would be able to afford it on my own. Sigh. I am pretty glad that I did a lot of things and travelling while I was there in Australia as I would quite regret that I had not experienced what many people did like skiing, Central Australia, beaches and the food. As it is, I am able to relate some of my experiences when I hear that someone is going somewhere. Yesterday there was an article in the Age (Yes I still read it every day online) called Missing Melbourne. It was about Melburnian expatriates around the world who missed the food and the atmosphere in Melbourne. Me too. |