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| Saturday, April 29, 2006 Another week goes by. This includes a week where 1. I spent too much money on food 2. Visited KLCC, Lot 10, Sungeiwang, The Curve 3. Got leave approved and had to cancel due to meeting 4. Had a boring 1 hour training on Credit 5. Had a good dinner chat and realised that some of my ideas are better kept to myself 6. Lots of sickness in the office 7. Auditing files is a real pain 8. Learning more and more every day 9. Rox and Sheryl graduated !! 10. It is the last week of April !! Am really tired but thankfully I managed to go through ITSA once. Now have to do the CD, rush my CSA, take some time for CFA, and revise ITSA. LOTS OF WORK. Hurray for Labour Day and approved leaves on 18th and 19th !! Yay. Isetan had a big sale but I had no card, so could not go in. Although I did manage to check out Zara, AX, TopMan, Raoul, Romp and 3point6. So, if a good shirt costs me RM200, how many shirts should I buy a year ? Should I get a jacket that costs RM500 for casual occasions ? Should I spend an extra RM70 on squash shoes compare to some cheaper ones on the market ? Should I get that new pair of glasses, CD player, MP3 player, cufflinks, tie, suit, underwear, new shoes, new squash racquet, haircut...........the list goes on. So many things to buy. So little money. |