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| Friday, May 12, 2006 It is certainly a week for international phone calls !! I got a call at the office from XXBear and we talked for 90 minutes. And that was only because we got cut off. Lol. My naughty colleagues thought I was flirting with one of my customers and were all speculating about it until they got bored. Haha. We talked a lot because there was so much to talk about. My work experiences, her PR experiences, people that we know and since she was still doing some work at IH, there was really lots to talk about. A wave of nostalgia.... I broke my vow of clothing chastity and bought 2 T-shirts from 3point6. Argh. The worst thing is they are alright, and cheap but now that I have got them, I feel that I could have done better. This is the worst thing about doing something on the spur of the moment when you realise the things that you have bought are not that great after all !! But I will wear them of course, I have not had anything new for a long time...since I came back from Melbourne in fact ! Then had a walk around KLCC with SailorJeow, had dinner at GenkiSushi..before joining up with SailorJoyo and SailorJlo at Chilli's (again) and talked until closing time. For the second night in a row. There is a mysterious flu/fever/cough bug going around the office and it reminded me a lot of the times when IH was under siege from these mysterious diseases that seem to strike everyone. I have a little bit of cough and flu myself. No karaoke ! Though I have to practice for the bank's bowling competition and then get fit to try out for the squash team. Good thing I went to the gym all this while, otherwise I think i would totally not be able to move much around the court. Lots of studying to do..it is only 11 days to my ITSA........................... |