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| Monday, May 22, 2006 Rant rant and rave. That is right and would I not love to kick MrJong. I would say he is probably the least favourite person on the team. He looks funny, laughs weirdly and has bad breath. Anyway, his assistant is on leave for 3 weeks and him I suppose being greedy had to complete a deal. Overnight ! Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous ? If it was my manager, I would have stayed and gladly because that is my job and I am helping her. In his case he had the boss come up to me and tell me there was something special for me to do. How ridiculous ! Worse, he came up at half past 5, 15 minutes before we were due to go off, to give me the work and tell me he wanted it tomorrow. The nerve of some people. And extremely rude as well ! No gratitude as well. Well guess who will not be on my wedding night invitation list ?? Not that I have started the list, but since I am planning my wedding, I might as well plan who will not be allowed to attend.......... And all this after an extremely tiring day that started with inadequate sleep and a long dream about someone close. Who got closer. And then it was that darn exam. What a cheat ! Questions on the exam tested us about things that were not even on the notes !!! How in the world were we supposed to answer then ? Ridiculous. Crazy. Not a good day. So I missed lunch as the exam lasted until 1 pm. So by now I was hungry, tired and pissed. Then worried cause a couple of things were held up, and deadline was coming. And also SailorJow was a bit daft, and a bit distracting. I do not blame her, I would have been exactly like her as she was settling in her new position. However, I blame her manager for giving her so much work without taking the time to explain although I can understand that she is very busy as well. There you have it. Perfectly tiring day. And then I got my headache again. I was so tempted to just tell MrJong that I had some kind of classes so I had to go off early. In the end I settled for doing most of the things he asked me to do and told him I had no access to system for the rest of it. It was only fair. I do not work for him. And yea, happy birthday CCBear. Wonder if that dream will come again...................... |