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| Thursday, May 18, 2006 It is quite amazing how everyone is actually facing changes in their lives. My family mechanic who is trusted with the family's 6 cars is actually selling the business. How can that happen ? How can he just go ? Does he not care ? What are we going to do ? are just some of the questions that run through my head. In fact, it seems that we should never depend too much on anyone else unless we are absolutely sure that they are going to be there right ? These people take you in, build up trust and then just leave. How irresponsible !!! Some part of you want to hate them for letting you get comfortable in life before leaving you in the lurch...and then some part of you reminds you that it was not that long ago when you said that you would prefer to have loved and lost then to never have lost before. It is so irritating to be on both sides at once. For once you wish that life was easier and that some decisions never came to be. Talked for about an hour with SailorJeow last night about money. Or rather the lack of it. Was surprised to hear her say that she would not trade her brains for Paris Hilton's wealth. Was surprised because I would SO do that in a minute. But then again I am pretty materialistic. Which I realise is one of my failings. Alongside a lack of self discipline, vanity, laziness and selfishness. Yes I realise I have more but who wants to list down all their failings ? Not me. Too many to list. But I digress. We were talking about how hard it was to save some money, buy a nice little house, have kids and live happily ever after. Though in my case it was more like how hard it was to buy Zara clothes, get a nice car, have a big house, have lots of kids and live happily ever after. Basically my plan was to marry someone rich although I was told I should not think about that plan. Hmph. Pretty unfair if you ask me, but then again, you would expect it, with all the discrimination that is occurring in this world. I mean, if Anna Nicole Smith can do it, so can I. Anyway, it continued on to how some kids/colleagues are so rich that they drive big cars and spend on trips abroad or expensive watches. And I realised that that was I wanted. Although it would take me forever to earn it even if I was saving every bit of my salary. Totally impossible. And can you imagine trying to spend on anything luxurious when you have kids ? What is the secret ? Must I really float my own company ? But what would I sell ? Would I ever become really rich by just working for someone ? How rich is rich enough ? You realise that these thoughts hardly come when you are still studying but once you start working they bombard you like a torrent of ballistic missiles. Anyway, all I can for now is just to keep pushing ahead with ambition and hope that something good happens. Like I pick up a winning lottery number, or that I win this grand prize of a billion dollars for opening a can of coke. I need money. If anyone has any extra, please send in a cheque in my name, PayPal account 91483712 or Bank Account Number 3198-168421-1824. Thank you very much. |