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| Sunday, March 26, 2006 Hmm I read this article and it was all about things you cannot understand about men. Why won't he stop and ask for directions? Well obviously because I KNOW my way there. If I was really lost, I might ask. Why is he obsessed with the Discovery Channel? I am SOOO not. But I do love Animal Planet. Why does he love quickies so much? Errm. Guilty. Why can't he be bothered to wrap a present? I love having nice wrapping but cannot be bothered to wrap it myself though. Thank goodness for those ready made wrappers/boxes/ribbons and bows. Why can't he throw out those junky T-shirts from college? Ew. True though. Just lazy. Why does he call his friends by rude nicknames? Do not. Do not. Crude. Why does he suck at chitchatting on the phone? I am great on the phone !! Why must he repack the car when you fit everything in fine? Nope. Not me. Why does he always think it is 20 degrees hotter than it really is? It is soo hot. I swear. Why does he have a garage filled with power tools he never uses? Not guilty. Why doesn't he want to talk about his day when he gets home?" Very guilty. Why can he remember the score of a baseball game played 10 years ago, but forgets his own mother's birthday? Erm. Sometimes.. Why does he get jealous about a boyfriend from seventh grade? Erm..Maybe What's up with all the lesbian fantasies?" :) |