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| Saturday, March 25, 2006 I cannot believe that it has been a week already. Although I would not say that time is really passing by really fast because it is STILL March. Will this horrible month EVER go away ?!>!?! Meanwhile I have spent entirely too much money, fallen in love with clothes at Sungeiwang, celebrated SailorCY's birthday with a fantastic cake, got an invitation to a second round of assessment by Merrill Lynch in Melbourne, had a bad session of karaoke, made a new buddy who constantly emails, started on April's work, and got a pen thrown in my face by Sailor JoYo. Not exactly a great week. Hmph. And now I am just ranting to NiqBear on MSN. The stupid time difference makes it so that when I come online at night it is fantastically late in Melbourne and when I come on in the Morning, everyone is still asleep. If last week was a great week, this week is about as fun as a fried banana in the drain. Meanwhile am still pissed that so many are so commerciallistic that they choose to ask people to pay to get access to certain information. How am I supposed to do any research then bozos !! Pissed that it is still burning hot here, food can cost so much, bloody car installment payments, stupid CFA rip-offs, crazy drivers on the road, disgusting traffic jams, depressing rainfall, low pay (I am just ranting... I know that I should be thankful for what I am getting paid..but Justin Timberlake was a millionaire at my age......) and that I was so dumb and emo.. Pah. Glad that I can gym at least 3 times a week, that I can survive on an apple and lunch most days, got to see pictures of National Night, that I am still alive, that I can still smile all the time (ug..want to stop smiling but it is hard..) and that I am still able to go online (without which I will just die in a spontaneous combustion). Yea, hope will be able to give you happier versions of my life next time. |