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| Tuesday, March 14, 2006 Sometimes I wonder if I am just dreaming. The past week has gone by in a whirlwind of rosy happiness. The past month just flew by like a hurricane in a rush. Things just do not seem to be real. Yesterday seems to be just a happy dream and tomorrow is like a murky darkness of the unknown. So the only thing which can be real is right here and right now. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that one should not live so much in the past because it is all over and will only be a dream, not just to you but to everyone else. And one should also not worry too much about tomorrow, since it is so unknown that worrying unnecessarily will be just a waste of time, effort and money. Instead, we should just focus on being happy now, today, at this very moment. It is extremely funny how things can happen to one as if it were the movies. No longer will I ever doubt things I see in the movies because they can come true. One of the best examples of things happening in the movies can happen in real life was the courtship of Nicoletta Braschi by Roberto Benigni in the movie "Life is Beautiful" . Everything seemed like a dream or a fairytale to the female, but only because the male had worked so hard. Not just to make things right, but to ensure that she was suitably happy and impressed. It happened to me too. I was doing my normal morning internet session and surprisingly had a very nice conversation with SoBear whom I had not had communications with for a while. It was interesting and extremely nice to hear about bowling or plans or the Commonwealth games and made me think about the happy times in the holidays when we just talked and talked about everything. Then I was just driving along to work. The beautiful sun was just peeking out of the clouds in the horizon, making the Telekom Tower look really majestic and beautiful, with rays of dawnlight playing catch with the last of the shadows of the dusk. The streetlights started going off, one by one, along me, as if they were trying to play with me. As soon as I drove past one, it turned off. It was like magic. There was also no traffic on the street. And even when there were, the cars just moved right and left into other lanes, leaving me a clear space all the way to my destination. I felt like Moses parting the traffic sea. Along the way, I was humming a song, and it played on the radio suddenly, without any introduction from the deejays. And when I got off my car, birds started chirping and my shoes felt really comfortable, as if they belonged only to me. It is at these moments that you think to yourself, "Isn't life just wonderful ?" Although I know this was because SoBear had classes at 10, the whole system of lights were made to switch off one by one in a row, the sun comes up every morning, that school holidays had made the traffic very light and that birds do start to chirp in the morning, it still felt like magic ! And I really do believe that magic can happen when you are happy. Just when I was missing the Melbourne people, I receive 3 postcards and a card from them. Just when I wanted to talk a bit and find out how KeeBear was doing, I get a 2 hour long phone call. Just when I wanted to have my Korean and Japanese food, I had a Japanese buffet and a Korean barbecue on subsequent days. Just when I really wanted to sing, I was asked to go to karaoke during my lunch time. Just when I was getting tired in the gym, someone came to join me and talk and joke while exercising. Just when I was feeling sleepy and hungry in the office, someone decided to buy everyone in the team a marvelous carrot cake. Just when I was bored, I discovered a new game on Neopets. Just when I could not sleep, I found a wonderful book to read. Just when I thought there was no more toilet paper, I found one under the sink. I swear ! It is magic !! And it has been day 2 of induction and those 2 stupid girls finally realise who I liked. Though it was actually because they were counting up the chances of love between the two of us using the stupid letters in name method and got 95%. After numerous urges by them for me to chase her, I am like "Yea, I am trying...." And so now I have two little cupids who are going to try their best to shoot JoYo full of arrows..... ><""" And that is why I truly believe that happiness is self perpetuated.
PS...everyone out there should get a copy of the Korean movie 'Jenny and Juno' and watch it right now ! |