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| Monday, May 18, 2009 Well it seems that I have gotten myself into a set of automation in life at the moment. It is absolutely totally work during the weekdays, followed by minor entertainment on Friday nights. This is usually followed by Chinese classes on Saturday, some form of sports like tennis or golf, probably ending up with mahjong, and dinner. Sunday is laundry day, cleaning up, and sometimes grocery day. So it is quite rare when there comes those special days when you do something different. Last weekend, as part of Volunteering Week at office, I went on this tour of an organic farm with Single Parent Families. GAPet came along as well. It was quite fun, though hot. The volunteers first met up at a train station and then took the bus. Drowsing off, the bus arrived an hour later, on a slope of a mountain. As we walked along a trail to the organic farm, it was like taking a walk to a hidden lost valley. From the jungle shrubbery, we emerged upon fields and fields of crops on slopes. There were huts here and there, and hardworking farmers around as well. Was really surprised to have this kind of view in Hong Kong of all places. About 40 volunteers and 120 of the SPF members showed up. First we had a lot of talk on the ground rules of the place such as no soap allowed, pick up the trash, do not kill the bugs and so on. All made a lot of sense and I remembered thinking that the presenter was very good and funny. He must do this a lot. We started off, with groups of people having plots of land. Where we had to till then plow the place, leaving freshly turned earth looking up to the sun. We were then given other tools to form furrows for the seeds, which everyone had a great time sowing. After watering, we were all surprised that it had taken about 2 hours of much work and laughing to get the job done. We rested then in the shade for a while before the second activity. Split into groups again, this time we were baking bread from organic wheat flour. Again interesting, as the presented seemed quite skilled at baking bread as well. The kids had a lot of fun making bread into different shapes and then decorating them with raisins and sesame seeds. The aroma of freshly baked bread is intoxicating after a long afternoon's work in the fields. All too soon that was the end, although it had taken up about 6 hours ! But that was just one of the rare times that I deviated from my usual weekend activities so it was quite fun. That can hardly be compared to this weekend, where I watched Angels and Demons on Friday night at Cyberport, then went to FredBear's place for a empty house party with about 9 other people. It was great as we got to meet RoxBear's new man, as well had a lot of fun making pizza and I even learnt how to make lasagna from GAHil. Our pizza tasted great and I had second helpings of lasagna. The night descended into mahjong as predicted before we got into the Wii. Went to sleep sometime at 5.30 on the couch, and then woke up to Wii. Had lunch at Outback before going shopping for kitchenware. Saw some great ceramicware that would have loved to buy if were at home. Went back to his place before watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Superhero movie. We also had delivery of Indian food, before watching Beautiful Cooking (which is a cooking show by girls who get judged by guys). Finallyarrived home after 30 hours of leaving it. I guess you could say that this weekend was not normal as well. By the way, I received news that my application for Korean classes has been approved and should start in June. |