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| Thursday, April 09, 2009 I swear time flies on purpose so that you look back on it fondly. Before I knew it, it was time to pack up and go back to Hong Kong. It was so sudden, I only packed on the morning of the day that I was to return. And even then, I left behind loads of unmet friends, unfinished business, and un-done excitements. Did manage to meet up some people from high school for a great game of Risk at B-Wings, where it was really refreshing to have no pretences but pure old friendships. Then some pretty bizarre topics as well later at mamak, I believe the second time for these three weeks only. Thanks for a great time, YapBear, SahBear, AndBear, PhilBear and EugBear. And I also managed to have Korean dinner with NickBear as well and it was great to catch up !! On Saturday managed to catch Confessions of a Shopaholic with JeanBear at Cineleisure. Quite fun, but perhaps I had too high expectations for the show. It could have been much much better. Also celebrated MeiBear's birthday at Solaris, which I must say is pretty admirable. It would be a great place to hangout, I feel, and has sort of the aura of The Curve when it first opened, big empty spaces with great restaurants and lots of parking. Nice, and a good place to go to for food. All too soon, it was lockup day, but had a great visit from JeanBear, RaeBear, JinBear, ChewBear and KeeBear, at my place. Tea and cake were provided by the visitors so that was fun, however the rain was pelting down the whole time. Later, had dinner at Le Meridien, where the buffet boasted a great Japanese table, but I feel that the rest of it was pretty poor. Used the weekend to catch up on some movies too, including YesMan, Bride Wars, Wolverine and of course Slumdog Millionaire, which I feel and this is my personal opinion that it is in NO way, even a contender for the Best Picture Oscar. Disgraceful. But then again, what do I know, I thought The Dark Knight was pretty boring too. And of course all this coming from someone who enjoys chick flicks with friends. Haha. But yes, that is my opinion and I am sticking with it. Summer is coming up and seems to be a whole load of new movies that I am dying to see ! The flight back was pretty uneventful, except that they showed the movie Marley and Me, and though it was alright, it is hardly MAGNIFICIENT. The people in the movie could have been played by almost anyone. The dog was great though. The plane was nearly empty and I got on with about 26 kg of luggage. Immigration took 10 seconds with my HK ID card, and the luggage came out 10 minutes later. Only later when I unpacked that I realised now I have way too many clothes in HK. I have absolutely run out of space in my closet, and I already have three boxes of clothes in addition to the closet. Fantastic. Perhaps I should donate some, though every time I try, I end up realising instead what I do not have and go out and buy more stuff ! But I must admit it was absolutely lovely to get back to the Dealing Room, and feel all the electrical charges in the air. Though it took me a whole day to clear my 4000 emails, I was really back in the game today, and it was great. Also will be joining in a couple of important initiatives and also felt great, doing some complicated but powerful excel work. Best news is that it is a short weekend since Good Friday is a holiday, but even better is that next Monday will also be a holiday, though I forsee myself going into the office one of those days anyway to clear off some work. Ah, Hong Kong. Live it, Love it. |