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| Sunday, January 18, 2009 Yesterday, I got picked up. Haha. It is a fun story. So after Chinese class, MsCong and I went for shopping for toys, as it is one of her hobbies. We went to this alley in WanChai and goodness, it was packed. Mostly with people shopping for the New Year as it was also filled with all kinds of CNY decorations ! I had a great time wandering around the tiny shops where you could find all sorts of old toys, such as those tin toys, and you could even buy whole sets of toys that you could only get from those Egg machines. It was very fun, and we eventually bought a set of gian pick up sticks ! Each one is about 80 cm long ! I guess we would have to play this game on the floor as there is no way that it would fit on a table ! We took the tram back to Central and had curry (her recommendation) with roti canai. I was pretty much starving, having had no dinner the night before except for a couple of waffles, and it tasted good. Slightly pricy for roti, but oh well. Later that afternoon, I went over to GAG's apartment where we played table tennis for a while. It was then that we got picked up. Two kiddies about the age of nine came over and challenged us. We agreed, as it could be fun. I think GAG was slightly disappointed over their level but I enjoyed it very much. They were about my level, which is to say, we can hit the ball, and sometimes smash but no fancy stuff like spinning or magic shots. They were very precocious and would shout Great Shot ! everytime they got a point in self praise. And sometimes when they made a mistake they would say, GOSH, free points for you. So very fun. After about an hour, continued on to the Gym where had a great time working out (never thought I would say that) and then some time in the sauna. This got me thinking about joining a gym again, but there is no gym really near my place and boy are they pricy ! So maybe some exercise videos ? I dunno. |