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| Thursday, March 15, 2007 Apple = 67 calories Baked Lean Chicken Breast in Pesto Sauce = 231 calories Ice Lemon Tea = 180 Noodles with Soup and Vege = 140 + 25 + 11 = 176 calories No gym today = 654 Calories Total. Can you see the dangerous trend ?! Now I am on 654 calories a day !! Arggg !!!!! Need to cut !! CUT !!!!! But as you can see, I have other things to do to keep me occupied. First of all, Manager A from A department came to my department and spoke to my manager. They were very busy and very short handed and were wondering if KWBear can come and help out please ? Anyway so it ends up that now I am doing work for both departments. Busy busy busy. Add to that the training I was giving the last two days, as well as myself attending training for options, busy busy busy. I think Global Corporate Sales is an interesting department and I would not mind joining that department ? Just a thought anyway. Busy Busy Busy. You never realise how many chocolates you COULD have eaten a day until you harden your will enough to reject any chocolates coming your way and then you realise.... And gosh. Now I have a mystery reader Linda from China. Yea I KNOW where you are from. Oh well. Whatever happens, happens. So what does poor BillyBear do if the girl he likes tells him that she does not like BrianBear chasing her and asks BillyBear to please tell BrianBear not to do it any more because she is getting irritated by it all ? Does he tell BrianBear to back off ? Note that everyone are close friends. ~Stress~ What if BrianBear thinks that BillyBear is a sneaky asshole ? What will BriannaBear think about BillyBear if he told her he loved her instead ? What will BrianBear think ? Will they fight ? I suppose this could all be a really good movie, but it happens in real life. This Saturday am busy, next Friday I have been booked, I still have to study and there are so many people asking me out for drinks, and I have people that I want to ask out for drinks...ARGHHHH sooooooooooooo busy !!! I need a personal assistant. Or maybe a few. And a new wardrobe. But must continue to save money !! Bloody expensive airtravel nowadays. It cost 11,000 bucks for a return ticket to Melbourne !!!!!!!! Business class of course. My left shoulder hurts a bit. Wonder if I should go for a massage. To gym or not to gym tomorrow morning, that is the question. But then again, I have sooooooooooooooooooooo much work and I have to finish writing that bloody application before 3 pm. Urgh. No gym then. Concentrate on getting it done..... I swear, between studying, working, gymming, singing, and counting calories, I do not seem to have any time for myself at all !!!!!! Some things I want to do in my free time: 1. Finish reading the Green Book and understand what it says !! 2. Finish studying for the bloody CFA 3. Revise for WB IG Phase II Academic Prgramme 4. Work really hard at something to get recognised ! 5. Japanese/Korean language 6. More sport/games ! 7. Time to spend with friends just chilling 8. Stay at home and watch television, chilling with family 9. Cook. And Bake. 10. Look for ways to increase income. sosososososososososososososososososo busy........ 11. Watch Sex And The City again........ |