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| Saturday, July 22, 2006 A wonderful way to start my 300th post. Review of NY Resolutions. 1. Lose 15 kg. At least. (Erm, no deadline to this, must set a deadline next year) 2. Get a job and enjoy it for a year. (6 months have passed) 3. Start professional certification studies. (Exam Dec 3) 4. Keep in touch with all my friends. (Erm. 'All' is a bit strong) 5. Make new friends. (Complied) 6. Save some money. (Not yet, refer previous post) 7. Go on one overseas trip. (Future is bleak) 8. Have a much cleaner house with more systems. (Complied) 9. Improve my Chinese, and start on Japanese. (Minimal effort) 10. Try to make some effort towards world peace. (Complied) Review of CNY Resolutions 1. Prepare budgets to actually save some money. (Currently failing) 2. Never lose my sense of humour. (Complied) 3. Always work hard at my job. (Have decided this is irrelevant) 4. Always look on the brighter side of life. (Trying) 5. Never ever forget how to excel at taidi, mahjong and texas holdem. (Need practice partners) 6. Strict controls on clothing........ (Yea right...) 7. Never lose touch of music. (Lost....doing not too badly on Chinese music though) 8. Never become an old boring uncle. (Must stay in compliance) 9. Always work hard at the gym. (Whenever I am there) 10. Stay forever young....and possibly childish at the right times :) (Complied) Thanks to everyone who thought of me on my 22nd birthday. Had messages on my phone, friendster, email, various noticeboards and cards. Thanks to you guys who remembered and to those who forgot, there is always next year. Thanks also to Hotlink, Webshots, Red Box, National Geographic, Asianfanatics, SCB, BlueMountain and any other organisation which cared enough to send me birthday wishes. Had an alright day at work, as morning was consumer by Basel2 training before an afternoon of enjoyable work and customer calls. After a brief flurry where we reorganised seating on the floor, set off to RedBox at 6.30. Should mention that was at RedBox with SailorCan at lunchtime to practise. So at 6.30, was at RedBox where with 9 other colleagues sang till 3.30 am. Was extremely fun and not expensive as birthday package only cost RM277 including buffett dinner and supper, 2 bottles of sparkling juice, 5 jugs, party packs, cake and big room. Hurray for RedBox. Also got card and lots of coupons but immaterial. Evening was full of fun, nice songs and workplace bonding and left feeling very satisfied. Will not need to go karaoke for at least 2 weeks ! Slept till late in the afternoon and had to rush to the Curve for lunch at Italiennese. First time, so I wanted to try it. Rushed out but rained and was stuck in jam and illegal parked at the car park finally before reaching the place. Thanks for the lunch guys !! MrLou and SailorRoz and SailorJeow and MrNhoe made very good company. After lunch, happened to see all the One in a Million finalists performing up close. Looks exactly the same as on TV. Thanks to the 3 Trojans who made me a nice call. Love those calls. Birthday presents received so far : 1 shirt. Yay for the shirt, thanks very much Sailors !!!! >_<"" Yeah. Birthdays just are not as interesting as they used to be at all. As a 22 year old person, will start to save money and diet again from tomorrow onwards. And try to live happily ever after. |