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| Wednesday, July 19, 2006 After a very quiet Sunday spent having seafood dinner for an early celebration with family, it has been crazy so far. Monday was hectic since I was not in on Thursday. A pile of work to catch up and hand in as well, since I was on leave again on Tuesday and Wednesday. A morning meeting as well as a long talk with GA4 MrLhong did not help. Before I knew it, it was lunchtime, and some of us had lunch with another new colleague, who will be working with SailorJeow. Then, more issues cropping up, with a particularly enlightening credit issue, and all of a sudden, it was 5.45. I was so busy I did not even have time to go to the toilet. Seriously. Stayed till 7.30 and remembered had to rush off back to Pyramid to have dinner with CharBear and FangBear. At Pyramid, we met at McDonalds. I was surprised to see no changes. But then again, more meaty. Or ever so slightly chubbier. But still as excitable and energetic. Good. Voice still the same fantastic. Met IanBear, her admirer for a brief moment, before we decided to go to Sushi King for some dinner. Talked a lot. FangBear joined us later and then I fetched CharBear home to MabelBear's place in TTDI. Along the way, we talked a lot more. Amazing. We agree on a lot of issues. It will be really interesting to catch up in 5 years' time, or even a year's time. Talking is good and catching up is good too. Then on Tuesday, hurrah for days off. Picked KeeBear up from Klang and drove around for a while looking for books for uni. Although mission was a failure we headed off to MidValley where we then had brunch at KimGary's. Talked and talked and talked. About loads of stuff. Then DanBear called. We were supposed to meet for dinner but he was there too to meet his friend. KeeBear and I went off first to source for some presents for some birthdays and was joined later by DanBear to watch Scary Movie 4. I think my IQ went down 30 points. If you have seen the trailer before, you will already know all the jokes in the movie. Some irritating girls sitting around us were laughing ALL the time, I have no idea why. Anyway, DO NOT watch the movie. Worse than Superman Returns. And that was bad enough. And since we are on this topic in my personal opinion, Pirates of the Caribbean II is MUCH MUCH better than Superman. So there. Later we happened to meet DebBear (DanBear's sister, my classmate in SAM) and MattBear (my classmate in high school Form 4 and 5). By the way, they know each other cause they were primary school mates. And I had no idea DanBear was DebBear's younger brother until he told me one fine day in second semester last year. SMALL WORLD INDEED. Anyway, we decided to meet up later for dinner. MattBear is one of the mysteries of the class. He has been missing in action for quite a whiule and quite a few people were wondering if he was still exisiting. Rumours fly about where he is and what he is doing, so it was quite fortuitous and exciting to see him in the flesh again after 3 years. I have got my hands on his mobile number, so at least he is now contactable ! Yay. Always good to get in touch with someone from long ago. He is much thinner now, laughs more, hair is also longer now. I think he is also slightly taller than I last remembered. Honestly, with a a good haircut, and some great clothes, MattBear could actually do some modelling, in black and white (he is too fair for colour). He has a unique look and a very nice smile actually. Anyway, we went back to DanBear's house for rest, talked a bit to his parents, (I love friends' parents) and then all of us piled into a car to SS2 for dinner. We had so much food. Well, actually it was mostly KeeBear and I. We had loads of food and then piled into Swensen's for ice cream. Hurrah for Earthquake Day. We had 8 scoops of yummilicious ice cream and toppings, with dry ice vapour overflowing the big bowl. We dug in. And it was gone in 10 minutes. Or less. We talked a lot, and I found out what MattBear was doing, more of the doings of DanBear, DebBear and Keebear and later we went home. It was a very satisfying day. Got some things done, successfully met DebBear and as a bonus, met MattBear !!! Very good day indeed. But exhasting. |