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| Thursday, July 20, 2006 I finally got off my lazy butt and calculated my savings. After six months or working my ass off, staying back late, working extra hours, having almost no life, I have a grand total of savings of NEGATIVE RM196. ><""""It means that I have worked for nothing !! Arghh.... well, zero savings is bad, but negative savings is worse.Well, if I did not buy the clothes I bought this year, I would save RM200, but then again, that only comes up to savings of RM4. This is NOT funny at all !Honestly, what is bloody sodding point of working if at end of day, I do not have more money in bank account ? How will I be able to pay for trips to Melbourne/HongKong ?How will I buy my mp3 player/new suit/silk shirts/presents/wardrobe/hangers/car accessories/anything else that I do not need but want ? Shucks. Arghh. Major depression. Perhaps will buy a shirt tomorrow to cheer self up. OMG. Just remembered that I plan to get new glasses this month. OMG. OMG. Just remembered that July has been my second fastest spending month so far. Will probably end up in red too. Meaning savings will be in deeper negative. Shit. Shit. Shit.No bloody point in working. Maybe should work as a male host at a club as heard of people earning more than self, while getting expensive gifts and have very flexible hours. However, would have to be desirable. Hmm. Am not desirable therefore cannot be host. Maybe a pilot ? Surely will not spend much as everyone knows things at airports are duty free.... Maybe a rock star ? Surely fans will buy you whatever you want ? Ice cream taster ? Model ? Brad Pitt's stunt bottom ? Banker ? Wait. Am bloody sodding banker and am not saving. No to banker. Argh. Have discovered only way to save money is to have rich parents/girlfriend who are generous. Lol.Malaysia Mega Sale in 2 weeks. |