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| Wednesday, December 07, 2005 The accident yesterday night was huge ! It was a rainy day and the roads were all slick and slippery. No wonder there was such an accident. I think I am starting to understand what someone said about better there be happy memories than there being no memories at all. Had a really great time today, spending time with one my closest friends in Melbourne. Talked a lot and the inevitable do you remembers came up as well. It has been three years since we met and though we did not start off on the best foot ever, somehow we got there. We have had our understandings and little arguments, but I will always remember him for the fun times we have had and all he taught me about cricket, football and bowling, just to name a few. Thanks a lot SoBear. I am pretty sure, we will be able to meet up sometimes somewhere. Only about 24 hours to the results now. Yes I am counting. |