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| Friday, December 02, 2005 I got an email from my lecturer today. "Horror" Here is what it said. Many students fear that they have failed an exam/subject immediately after the final exam. It is in our nature to self-doubt. To ally your fears, let me relate a some facts about the final grades. First, the subject average was 68.2%, slightly higher than the average for third year subjects in the Faculty of Economics and Commerce. Second over half of the students who wrote the final exam scored H2B or better. Third, only 11 students, or 5% of students, failed the subject. I was so scared when I opened it but am gladder now. Now the only thing that I am afraid of is Corp Fin but I do not think it was that bad so should be fine. Phew.It is so scary thinking about these things. FredBear and SherylBear are leaving tomorrow. *sob. NiqBear, LucBear and SharBear have left already. And by next week, JinBear, SoBear, KenBear, KanBear, WoobyBear will be leaving too. So the group still remaining here for my stay will be RaeBear, RoxBear, KimBear, JessBear and XXBear. So few of us left. And it is not easy to have a reunion as we come from like 6 different countries. Urgh. Gym Time. |