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| Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Right now is Tuesday afternoon. In the past 48 hours I have - trudged through 5 hours of makeup aisles looking for the right stuff for my sisters..never knew makeup costs so much and that there were so many types... - bought a pair of jeans and a new blue shirt which matches my new tie for myself - looked at a lot of underwear and still have nto decided which to switch to - learnt 1 guitar chord - played some smash brothers with KaiBear - watched American Pie - let FredBear take a whole roll of photos of myself including wet shots..too bad they did not come out too well - had sushi and nasi lemak for the last two lunches - had noodles and vegetarian udon for the last two dinners - read a whole lot of information on Standard Chartered Bank - finally had a good night's sleep (getting used to sleeping alone in a double bed) - sent ParkyBear off to the train station and having the train arrive almost 45 minutes late - had 0 cigarettes, 1 drink, 4 tubs of yoghurt, 6 urges to have a hair cut, 20 considerations of wearing white undies, 48 thoughts of going to the gym, 514 intentions of doing laundry, 2832 memories while sorting through stuff to be thrown out. Whoever said that holidays were fun.....? Feel like going down to Docklands Park again..just because I want to go on the turning thing again. This is what a fortune telling machine said to me. Machine : You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you. A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down. But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible. Hmph |