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| Friday, September 16, 2005 Well it has been a busy week but the holidays have arrived !! Hurrah !! Not only am I now no longer the treasurer...I have celebrated so many birthdays this week....CCYBear, GraceBear, RahulBear and even SharoBear. Happy Birthday all !! Also was rushing to finish the Personal Finance assignment so that just have one for the holidays....Phew...just on time...now all I have to do is finish all my usual stuff then can have a nice break...incidentally my last one for my uni life ! I was just walking to uni today with SherBear and then was discussing how nice the weather was and suddenly it dawned on me how I would never be able to enjoy it again..Sigh. But there is a new life as well I guess. Wrote my resume and a essay for a job application. Seems such adult things to do.....Am I no longer a kid ? I do not think so though. I feel as if I was still 13....although smarter in life..and finding it easier to get what I want. What do I want ?? I am not really sure although I know what I have now is great ! Had mooncake festival dinner at IH tonight. Had roast duck, chicken soup...yummy tofu....and mooncake of course. Then had mooncake. Still find it hard to believe that I did not like it till a few years ago. But even now..it is not exactly a favourite. Then we had some fun with some lanterns and sparklers...the fresher gang I guess..do you know them ? Well, there are the people from my year whom you all hear so much about....and then there is my baby family. Somehow I did not get along with the second years as well..but there is something about this year. There is KeeBear...who like me.....is a Kee...from Klang..extremely cute and yet has such a mature air sometimes..it is quite impossible not to like him...JeannieBear and CCBear...who are irrepressible girls who have to know everything and seem filled with boundless energy...KenBear the nice guy who never seems to study and dances really well...AllenBear...who is rich but not showy-offy...nice to everyone and has the funniest look when he tries to look innocent...DamiBear...who is from Muar.. has many ideas and is fond of projects.. EddiBear..who started out so loud and uncouth but ended up being very fun and jovial...EelBear who though new has joined in so well !! as well as CKBear..always so friendly and hardworking, DanBear...so funny and is actually the brother of DebBear from SAM... that is almost everyone I think...forgive me if I forgot anyone. These people have made my last year in Melbourne fun as well and reminded me how fun-filled life can be as a fresher. When everything was new and interesting ! Thanks a lot. Holidays...not much plans yet...maybe just a Sydney trip...my third in three years. Whoa. |