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| Tuesday, September 21, 2004 I have just come back from skiing.
Although the journeys to and fro weren't great, the place was great. On the first day, when I first had to put on those heavy shoes, omigosh..it was worse than giving birth not that I have done it before. But I did mention that I would have rather gambled away the money spent on the trip than to succumb to the torture. I fell, slipped, slid. A lesson by an instructor did not do much good either. That night I was defeated but then was revitalised by a massive steamboat on top of the mountaintop. We had brought all our own food and the pot you see. After some games of mahjong I went to bed. Next morning, I decided to lie in bed until lunch time so that I could ski at lunch time when there was the least people skiing. It worked. I tried an easy slope and discovered the secret in skiing in the second try. Hurray. Moved on to intermediate slopes and just applied some things that I learnt by myself without the help of the instructor. Hurray. Then went to another intermediate slope and could do that as well. I was sooo happy you know ! That night was steamboat again. Nothing warms you up like a steamboat. Had some sparklers and planned to light them at night but it was too cold for them to light. Bah. Third day was the best I think. Had another lesson with another instructor. It was a harder lesson of course. After going down the second intermediate slope, we went down to a much harder but also intermediate slope. It was amazing. I did it without falling. ! Hurray for me. Later that day, I tried jumping as well. Failed the first five times and succeeded the next time I tried. Wow. Imagine me jumping in my skis. Very the cool. Holidays are here ! Phew. My mom is coming over tomorrow with my older sister. So good times ahead. But of course... I defintely must revise my studies. Exams are in 4 weeks. Then going home. Time has passed so fast ! I have resolved to be more positive as well. No more negative blogs. You can obviously see it from this entry compared to previous ones. Unless of course..it was really bad. Haha. Still too lazy to put pictures. Maybe a tagboard. Maybe. |