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| Wednesday, September 15, 2004 Just woke up. Class at 11. Can you believe it ? I slept at four last night doing the macroeconomics assignment. After procrastinating for about 5 hours...i did it.
IT is terrible. Kids do not try this at home. I am so tired now..but had a steaming shower, feel much better now. Remember my test last week ? It was an open book, online test of 15 multiple choice questions worth 20% of the subject mark. Highest ? 9 out of 15. I got 6. FatBear got 5. I was happy I got more than him but it was still a low mark. Apparently the average mark was 3 or 4. SO now they are going to have a retest tomorrow. Which means I wont be able to do much macro assignment then. Which also means that I will not be able to go out and buy food for my ski trip until friday afternoon. Which is also bad since I might have a college reunion at 6 o clock. Maybe I should pack when I am procrastinating. What should I wear to the reunion. Questions run through my mind. ARGHHHH......... ArBear discussed the macro assignment with me, SherBear later told me that FatBear was badmouthing me about the assignment saying how my explainations were non-economical. What does he know ? He did Science before.. pffftttttt Hate Him. JinBear dropped in for a while and we had a nice little bitching session about him and AndBear. True and Deserved. Other than that it is all very peaceful in the world of bears. Haha |