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| Monday, September 13, 2004 FatBear is so getting on my nerves !
It's bad enough that he has his bouts of spontaneous Pissed Off Moods..but he has to go around making everyone feel miserable. With huge gargantuan amounts of self-pity he has somehow convinced himself he is the unluckiest person in the world without a single friend. Sigh. I pity him sometimes but everytime he follows a fixed routine namely : Pissed off over something (most of the times it's nothing) Talks to noone Finally complains to me Talks for hours complaining and then asking for advice Promises to change Apologises A bit different for a day Back to old habits. It never changes. I hate him for making me feel miserable. I pity him as well because he makes himself so miserable. But I really rather not speak to him most of the time. DO I sound mean ? I try not too. I am a very happy person really. But I need to complain too and what better place than a blog ? |